Burnout to Abundance Business Education Summit November 2024 - Day 2

B2A Culture - Burnout to Abundance Business Education Summit November 2024 - Day 2

November 10, 2024β€’4 min read

Burnout to Abundance Business Education Summit November 2024 - Day 2

🌟 Incredible Weekend at the Burnout to Abundance Business Education Summit last week! 🌟πŸ₯³ After taking a week to rest & recharge (practicing what I preach🎀) we want to first thank our expert property speakers on Day 2 ✌️

🏠 Bernadette Janson from The School Of Renovating – for revealing profitable renovation secrets.

🏘 Amanda McEwin from The Rising Star Developer – for showing us how to earn 6-figure profits from property as a side hustle.

🏒Helen Tarrant Unikorn Commercial Property – for unlocking cashflow secrets in commercial property & gifting everyone in the room with her Cashed Up With Commercial Property Book! πŸ“šπŸ“–

We are so blessed to have 3 powerhouse women educators sharing their different journeys to financial freedom through different property strategies. πŸ’ƒ It really shows how education & taking action are keys to success, no matter which path you chose! 🀩

Nick & I are so grateful for all the positive feedback we received! πŸ₯° Thank you to everyone who came to support our 1st big event as we begin our journey to build B2A Culture. Look out for our thank you emails & VIP bonuses which will arrive in your inbox in the next 24 hours! πŸ’Œ πŸ’•

A huge thank you again to every single one of our inspiring speakers & our sponsors who made this event possible! πŸ™ So much value & quality connections packed into 2 days! πŸ’›πŸ”₯

Terry Tran – for not only running a practical share masterclass for everyone, with personalised workbooks, & for committing a full weekend to being in the room to personally connect with all our attendees πŸ“ˆπŸ₯°

Sarah Cordiner – for bringing your sparkles (personality, outfit & content!) & your game-changing organic marketing tips. ✨🎊 I also adore your little CREW members running around! πŸ“Έ

Dale Beaumont – for sharing your business success strategies & generously offering everyone your bonus full day training on the latest AI insights! We are so grateful for you & support of the Business Blueprint community!πŸ’™πŸ€©

Our Expert Panellist & Sponsors Allister Svendsen from Evoke Projects , Lyubo Kuchuk from RemoStaff , Colin Lee from Inspire Realty , Martin Hawkins from FMD Financial , Kevin Pai from Bugden Allen , & big thank you to Hillary Van Estrop from Together Financial Services & Juen Phie from P&Y Partners for dreaming up the successful networking featuring Jason T Smith! 🍹πŸ₯‚

Thank you Jason for humbly sharing your journey of faith, family & building the largest physiotherapy franchise. 🏞 Many friends were inspired & encouraged by your story & we still had many requests for your books on Day 2! πŸ“š

No event would be possible without a great TEAM πŸ₯°, & I wanted to thank our amazing team who practically supported us in the background over the full 2 days! πŸ™ Ivan Tan from ITZ Studios , Sumiko Takesue Eyears from Sumico Photography , Rhonwyn Learner from Business In Training , Louise Lee from Loan Lounge, our beautiful babysitter Alice for looking after Jeddy, & special shout out to Alan Lu , who not only came along with Terry to support attendees interested in learning more about building wealth through shares, but tapped into his event organising talents to support our event in general as well! πŸ˜‡πŸ™Œ

Last but not least, I want to thank the best partner in business & life Nick πŸ’•, without whom none of this would be possible. We give all praise to our God through all things are possible & who make all things beautiful in His time. ⏳️🌈

If you missed out on being in the room, you can now REGISTER πŸ‘‡ to be notified when our LIMITED TIME FREE RECORDING becomes available. 🀩

We look forward to building our community of inspired & inspiring people who are not just surviving β€οΈβ€πŸ©Ή, but thriving 🌳, living & giving abundantly to:

✨ Live with Purpose

✨ Lead with Passion

✨ Leave a Legacy



Burnout Conference

Commercial Property Event

Conference Selfie

Sponsors and volunteers

Talk on Free Marketing Tools

Side hustle / starting a business / systemising your business

About the Author:

Dr Grace Sha is a mentor, the founder of B2A Culture, dentist, board director and professional speaker, who, besides her healthcare career, is:

- a leader passionate about good governance and rejuvenating organisational culture

- a volunteer and advocate who supports local and overseas not-for-profits

- a creative entrepreneur who excels in a diverse range of endeavours including property investment and event production.

Grace is a mentor and has featured as a keynote speaker and panellist at corporate events and conferences, lectured at universities, and collaborated with reputable organisations to host team training on a broad range of topics, including:

- How to Journey from Burnout to Abundance

- How to Work in Healthcare With Care, Without Burnout

- How to Lead and Retain a Winning Team in Your Workplace and Life

- How to Forgive, Reconcile and Prevent Fractured Relationships

- Positive Workplace Relationships and Communication Workshops

- Team Success Mindset and Connection Workshops

Coaching/ Book a Call:

Click here to gain access to coaching or book a call with Grace

Book Grace to Speak:

Learn more about Dr Grace Sha and invite Grace to speak at your workplace or conference here.



Burnoutburnout to abundanceB2A CultureB2A Culture 2024Investing in SharesInvesting in stocksFree marketingOrganic marketingBurnout preventionSymptoms of burnoutWorkplace stressWorkplace anxiety
blog author image

Dr Grace Sha

Grace is an inspiring and captivating speaker, author of β€˜Mental Wealth - How to Journey from Burnout to Abundance’ (releasing in 2024), and visionary founder of the Mental Wealth Institute. She is a natural storyteller with many life lessons to share and motivates her listeners to revitalise their life, to not just survive, but thrive, and live abundantly. Grace’s strength is to empower teams to reconnect and rediscover their passion and WHY for work. As a survivor of burnout, who has triumphed over shocking adversities and challenges. Grace’s lived experience is one of resilience, adventure and hope. Highlights of her journey include a trip to South Africa with Sir Richard Branson and the Virgin Unite team, as well as volunteering in mental hospitals overseas. A firm believer in prevention is better than cure, Grace is a strong advocate for preventive health care, burnout prevention and positive workplace culture. Grace currently holds leadership and board positions in Australian dental associations, mentors young professionals and loves connecting with other like-minded individuals who have a passion for collaborating, serving and creating positive impacts in our community.

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How to Journey from Burnout to Abundance

How to Work in Healthcare With Care, Without Burnout

How to Lead and Retain a Winning Team in Your Workplace and Life

How to Forgive, Reconcile and Prevent Fractured Relationships

Positive Workplace Relationship and Communication Workshops

Team Success Mindset and Connection Workshops

One-on-one and Group Coaching Call Options Available

coaching with grace


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